

Favorite films

  • Chungking Express
  • Nobody Knows
  • Synecdoche, New York
  • Memoria

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  • Cool Hand Luke


  • Robot Dreams


  • Robot Dreams


Recent reviews

  • Cool Hand Luke

    Cool Hand Luke


    The coolest motherfucker of all time. Also everyone is kinda gay? I'm a sucker for a "This is how I win" type film. 1/2 star for one deeply misogynistic and weirdly leering scene that legitimately could've been removed with no damage to the plot in any way. Otherwise love that motherfucker Newman and the whole thing rides on his swag.

  • Robot Dreams

    Robot Dreams


    many have missed the point

Popular reviews

  • The Eternal Memory

    The Eternal Memory


    My great grandmother calls me by her uncle’s name.

    She does this most of the time—but certainly not all of it. A nasty fall accelerated her Alzheimer’s by a whole magnitude. She went from little slips—leaving lights on, forgetting to clean the litterbox, mixing up the cousins (which she had a record of doing anyway)—to forgetting what it feels like to put a shirt on correctly.

    My great grandmother calls me by her best friends name.

    Maybe it’s the my…

  • Wicked



    dogshit sentimentalism with a main character who loves her genocidal fascist sympathizer friend because reasons. looks like ass, sounds like ass, bad for the culture, fuck you