Nicolas Pecorelli

Nicolas Pecorelli

I hate movies, they’re awesome

Favorite films

  • Diary of a Wimpy Kid
  • Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules
  • Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days
  • Butt Boy

Recent activity

  • Hancock


  • Matchstick Men


  • Melancholia


  • Free State of Jones


Recent reviews

  • Free State of Jones

    Free State of Jones


    This movie ambitiously seeks to tackle several issues about slavery, the Civil War, reconstruction, and segregation. I think it’s ultimately successful. The story is told from an interesting point of view. McConaughey plays a Southern white man who at first is just tired of fighting for the confederacy because he does not own any slaves, which he rightfully acknowledges as the true cause of the war itself. After fighting in a terrible battle, his nephew is killed while the rebel…

  • Public Enemies

    Public Enemies


    The higher frame rate plus the muzzle flash from the Tommy guns is freaking awesome.

Popular reviews

  • Batman & Robin

    Batman & Robin


    Such pure and glorious camp. Criticize me all you want, this movie is GOATED. Feels like an actual comic book; not just another action/superhero movie. The one liners are impeccably timed and hilarious. 
    And don’t even get me started on Uma Thurmond… I’m obsessed!!

  • Megalopolis



    Thought it was goofier than the Goofy Movie a lot of the time yet still kept me intrigued the whole way. Although the movie just kinda ended? Idk if FFC is tryna set up some sort of sequel or something. I think they just ran out of money lol.

    Overall, pretty cool concept with pretty meh execution and an underwhelming payoff. Some interesting visual components and decent symbolic value. Not a total failure I guess. I can see it becoming more appreciated overtime as it’s certainly unique. But we’ll see.