Niko Walker

Niko Walker Patron

Favorite films

  • Bunny Lake Is Missing
  • Splendor
  • A Tale of Winter
  • Where Is the Friend's House?

Recent activity

  • The Shrouds


  • Strange Days


  • John Frusciante Plays and Sings


  • The Rules of Attraction


Pinned reviews

  • Cherry


    How in the FUCK will I make it into this world as a respected director if Nico Walker is out here stealing my name, smh

  • Feels Good Man

    Feels Good Man


    Things I didn’t expect from this:
    1. Daniel Johnston plays during Pepe’s funeral
    2. Animation so good that I demand an entire movie/series based on Boy’s Club
    3. Alex Jones getting sued for using Pepe on a poster
    4. Great music, especially over the end credits
    5. Really solid editing
    6. Donald Trump being labeled “the real life Pepe”
    7. Anytime someone called the frog “Peepee”, I wanted to flip a table
    8. 4chan users genuinely believed that the god…

Recent reviews

  • The Shrouds

    The Shrouds


    I’ll love you even more when you’re gone, baby.

  • Strange Days

    Strange Days


    Equal parts terrifying reflection/prediction of our world and beautiful story about moving on and recognizing that the best thing you’ve got is right in front of you. A gloriously messy bag that covers so much ground; above all, people reliving memories and experiencing snuff films is about the scariest thing I can think of (the assault scenes are shocking for such a big budget mainstream type of film), and there’s a surreal sense of terror to a lot of this.…

Popular reviews

  • jeen-yuhs: A Kanye Trilogy

    jeen-yuhs: A Kanye Trilogy



    this was so inspirational, i came out of the theater feeling a-okay. all my anxieties and worries went away, i feel like i can be a superstar. people will watch my movies one day, i just gotta keep working at it. it’s going to happen, and kanye west is one of my biggest inspirations. i would not be who i am without him. i love this crazy man. he is a goddamn jeen-yuhs.

  • Scream



    do you think they intentionally made this awful to be like every other reboot of a franchise? that would be soooo meta