N. Kerk

N. Kerk Pro

horror, action, exploitation, that kind of thing

Favorite films

  • Hell House LLC
  • Hardcore Henry
  • Slumber Party Massacre II
  • Gamer

Recent activity

  • Road House


  • Green Room


  • House on Haunted Hill


  • Suspiria


Pinned reviews

  • The Slumber Party Massacre

    The Slumber Party Massacre


    "Do you think they're doing something, y'know, funky over there?"

    As far as slashers go, absolutely knocks it out of the park in every way. Self-aware without being smug about it, and works as commentary on the genre's issues re: the male gaze and violence against women leveraged as entertainment by and for men without ever feeling like it's lecturing us about it. It cares about the victims as people and gives us time to care about them too, but…

  • Chopping Mall

    Chopping Mall


    "It's not you, Ferdy. I guess I'm just not used to being chased around a mall in the middle of the night by killer robots."

    Pitch-perfect 80s cheese-fest that, while never taking itself too seriously, is also genuinely a very well-written and well-directed bit of horror/action/sci-fi.

    It actually reminds me a lot of (and hear me out on this) Alien. No, the cheap-looking 3-foot tall robots are hardly the xenomorph, and Park Plaza Mall isn't quite the Nostromo, but it's…

Recent reviews

  • Road House

    Road House


    "I see you found my trophy room, Dalton. The only thing it's missing is your ass."

    The most brilliant thing about this bisexual-gaze action-drama martial arts western is that it actually starts off pretty grounded. Nothing about the first act prepares you for the monster-truck-crushing, throat-ripping, and exploding to come. Even then, it never just picks a lane: one scene is pure 80s camp, the next is as grim and violent as any horror movie. It doesn't even try to…

  • Green Room

    Green Room


    As a horror fan I've often had to articulate to my non horror-fan friends what I see as a line between thinking a film was good and having enjoyed watching it. Green Room is the perfect example of a film that was masterfully done and which I very, very much did not enjoy watching.

    The sort of movie that doesn't even make you feel scared or grossed out in a fun way, but just leaves you feeling like shit and…

Popular reviews

  • Tourist Trap

    Tourist Trap


    Lately I've been describing my ideal kind of film as an "arthouse B-movie," and Tourist Trap ended up being that so much that I kind of wonder what else David Schmoeller and I have in common (interestingly, Puppet Master, which I saw a year or so ago, didn't strike me in quite the same way, though in retrospect "arthouse B-movie" is as good a label as any there too).

    So, yeah, I fucking loved this. A completely bonkers first five…

  • She Killed in Ecstasy

    She Killed in Ecstasy


    Hooptober 7 - 5/31 - Countries 3/6 (Germany/Spain)

    I've been really looking forward to sinking my teeth into another Franco flick ever since Vampyros Lesbos blew me away, and the only reason I didn't watch She Killed in Ecstasy first for Hooptober is that I ordered the Severin blu-ray and it only just came in. I'm ultimately glad I waited, because it looks gorgeous (I also got VL from Severin, of course, so can't wait to revisit it knowing how…