I had the time of my life
Jamie Dornan is literally SO much hotter dancing on a beach here than he is in any 50 shades movie
I had the time of my life
Jamie Dornan is literally SO much hotter dancing on a beach here than he is in any 50 shades movie
It was so nice to revisit this
There were certain Disney movies I had on DVD as a kid that I would rewatch over and over and this was one of them along w sleeping beauty
Story-wise as a kid I always preferred Sleeping Beauty over Snow White
But it’s so funny now as an adult to realize how much innovation went into Snow White and how sleeping beauty was literally just copy paste to make more money
ANOTHER princess…
One of the first things I noticed about the sound in this movie is Ralph Fiennes’ super heavy breathing. It was really noticeable to me 1 bc that was probably the intention lol but 2 bc it was something I noticed about my dad in recent years. One day I visited him sometime after moving for college and I felt like wow, I can hear his breathing. It’s like…. Heavier? Louder? Was it always like this? I couldn’t remember for…