A transgender nightmare.
"A hood rat is a lesbian in a boy’s body" —Judge Joe Brown
The first time I watched this film was in my AP Psychology class because our teacher thought it was an important message about racism. Even then I could recognize it as the hollow, soulless film it was, but rewatching it now I realized that it’s also one of the worst edited movies I’ve seen. Shots are placed next to each other which aren’t supposed to be related but give the viewer the false understanding that they are taking place in…
This film is a vile testament to the end of the American empire. Everything it contains is a warped, semi-ironic putrid sludge of pop culture references and tropes vomited out of Louise Linton’s demented brain with no pretense of intention or craft. If this "movie" has any usefulness, it is to foment the righteous hatred of the lumpen bourgeois worldview which allowed such an abomination to come into being. A culture that produced something like this doesn’t deserve to exist. We don’t deserve to exist.