

Favorite films

  • The Amityville Horror
  • The Omen
  • Suspiria
  • It Follows

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  • Debbie Macomber’s Joyful Mrs. Miracle

  • A Merry Scottish Christmas

  • Believe in Christmas

  • Debbie Macomber's A Mrs. Miracle Christmas


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  • The Transfiguration

    The Transfiguration


    As a black woman and a horror fan I might be expected to champion this film, but you see there’s this movie - and it actually gets referenced a couple of times - made back in the late 70s… ‘78 maybe? By some guy named George Romero. I think it’s called Martin?

    The similarities between these two films can’t be dismissed and changing the setting from Pittsburgh to NYC and casting a young black boy instead of a white emerging…

  • Pieces



    "The most beautiful thing in the world is smoking pot and fucking on a waterbed at the same time."

    A perfect example of why we have the Clery Act. A bold first kill. Some questionable police work where a civilian is enlisted to do most of it. Tennis. My kung fu professor. What's not to love?