cillian murphy connoisseur
favs = fav first watches of the previous month
I hate gen z movies but this was actually so fun
not her the one to propose at the end tho.. (idc if she has issues and this is her way to make a decision for herself.. she needs to stand up!)
hulk at the end: 👹🌸
wooo fighter jets
wooo missles
wooo fight scenes
everything else.. meh
“I’m sorry I took, and took, and took, and took, and took, and enriched myself without pause, and left deep scars on the skin of the earth.”
“As all there is, is trees, thinkin all there is, is water."
i’ve been going through my own crisis of what the fuck am I doing on this earth. and feeling guilt for what i’ve done or haven’t done. and this really hit home for me.
I watched on vimeo uploaded by the director aoife mcardle and I really needed subtitles for parts cause I couldn’t really hear. found an almost complete script on reddit.
Longlegs makes you feel demented and disturbed.. feeding off the never ending dread just to come home to feel cursed.
Fuck your cheap scares, forever give me psychological, gut wrenching, and throat closing thrillers
“I know you’re not afraid of a little dark.
Because you are the dark.”