Am I the only one who thinks Decaprio’s play here isn't that good?
(just in the door scene and in the ending he plays well)
Am I the only one who thinks Decaprio’s play here isn't that good?
(just in the door scene and in the ending he plays well)
We should have known about her father…
Dyed hair never lies guys.
“Oslo, August 31st” makes you wait for what “should“ happen at the end of the movie, and by that, the movie makes you ‘Anders’ as well.
You are waiting his waiting, you are experiencing his experience, you are getting used to the fact that the end of the day will arrive, and at the end of the movie, you stay with Anders’s feelings, with Anders blank, as Anders.
Maybe I can see myself in that douchebag-mathefacke (I'm just a boy)