Dalton Okolo

Dalton Okolo

Favorite films

  • There Will Be Blood
  • Annie Hall
  • Waves
  • Barry Lyndon

Recent activity

  • End of Watch


  • Assassin's Creed

  • To Live and Die in L.A.


  • Breakfast at Tiffany's


Recent reviews

  • End of Watch

    End of Watch


    The last 45 minutes is like looking into the sun, but my nostalgia for 'Cops' on Spike TV keeps bringing me back.

  • Assassin's Creed

    Assassin's Creed

    Well, that was certainly a movie. I like how it ends by setting up sequels that clearly no one in front of or behind the camera is interested in.

Popular reviews

  • Athlete A

    Athlete A


    At the highest echelons of athletics the question is constantly being asked, "how bad do you want it - how much of yourself are you willing to give in pursuit of glory?" The exhausted competitor pushing past the pain and distraction to carve out their place in history is the fantasy of every athlete. Kerri Strugg whimpering as she's victoriously carried off the mat is the personification of this. But what if this image were tainted? What if this drive…

  • Showbiz Kids

    Showbiz Kids


    If a documentary simply reaffirms an obvious truth without adding much in the way of new information does that invalidate its worth? I don't think so, however, it does make it a significantly less engaging watch.

    This is the case with "Showbiz Kids", which uses testimonials from former child-actors to remind you that the entertainment industry will happily destroy a child's psyche for the sake of profit. It's not that the stories being told are irrelevant - far from it…