

Favorite films

  • The Leopard
  • Streets of Fire
  • Modern Times
  • The Lighthouse

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  • Fist of Fury


  • Eraserhead

  • New Wave


  • The World's End


Recent reviews

  • Fist of Fury

    Fist of Fury


    First Bruce Lee movie I ever watched! Feels like an important milestone.

    It was very enjoyable. It had everything I expected and wanted to watch: Bruce Lee kicking the most cartoonishly evil bad guys possible.

    The script is bad. It tries very hard to expand the story so it will occupy the two hours it's meant to last. There's a romantic subplot that is only brought up whenever the scriptwritters suddenly remember its existance, bad guys casually discussing their past…

  • Son of the White Mare

    Son of the White Mare


    There is something about losing yourself in fairytale logic that is hard to explain. Forgeting reality to experience a past that never was and yet feels as though it did. The myths our ancestors used to make sense of the world around them somehow makes us understand them: theur values, their fears, their aspirations.

    A white mare runs throgh a black forest. A tree stands tall while a child tries to tear it off the ground. A man moves mountains.…

Popular reviews

  • Flow



    Oh, wow.

    There is nothing as beautiful and terrifying as nature. Water rises and takes over, drowning the world. Trees, statues, columns and buildings sink, only the tallest peaking out of the water.

    Again, oh, wow.

    There were tears rolling down my cheek. I was transfixed. Not a single word was said, but...

    But I didn't need words. Just the eye of a whale slowly blinking.

  • The Substance

    The Substance


    La pel•lícula en si és impressionant. Començant pel guiò i acabant pel disseny sonor i l'edició (passant, obviament per la direcció i l'actuació -- especialment Moore i Qualley), el film mereix tots els reconeixements que se li han atorgat i totes les crítiques positives que ha rebut tant per part del públic com dels professionals. (D'aquí també la meva valoració).

    Vull d'estacar la forma en la que la directora troba l'horror i el gore més enllà de les escenes en…