olly bate

olly bate Pro

quite generous with the high ratings. don't care.

Favorite films

  • Phantom Thread
  • Pulse
  • Goodbye, Dragon Inn
  • 8½

Recent activity

  • Good Will Hunting


  • Training Day


  • The Social Network


  • Dredd


Pinned reviews

  • Inland Empire

    Inland Empire


    I've recently started thinking about this film again, and I've been trying to articulate why I believe it to be my favourite lynch film (excl the return).

    David Lynch keeps many secrets about every single one of his releases, frequently keeping their meaning behind an enigmatic veil, keeping viewers completely to their own devices. To this day people are still debating the meaning behind Mulholland Drive, Twin Peaks, Lost Highway etc. But one thing he keeps in the open is…

Recent reviews

  • Training Day

    Training Day


    Denzel is just the best, isn't he???

  • The Social Network

    The Social Network


    postmodernist Oppenheimer, founding father of a new world era again brought down by pen and paper, court hearings and human connection. impeccable rhythm. fantastic.

Popular reviews

  • Trans-Europ-Express



    trintignant never fails to be the best part of every film that he's in

  • Juno



    jason bateman getting grindhouse and slasher mixed up was already a big red flag. let alone the fact he names guitars. stay away from him elliot!!!!!!!