Ollie Hopewell

Ollie Hopewell

If Wes Anderson directed Star Wars do you think we would’ve got a CGI Greedo yelling “maclunkey!”?

Favorite films

  • The Grand Budapest Hotel
  • Whiplash
  • Beetlejuice
  • In Bruges

Recent activity

  • Solo: A Star Wars Story


  • Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith


  • Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones


  • Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace


Recent reviews

  • Solo: A Star Wars Story

    Solo: A Star Wars Story


    It’s okay, but that’s all it is. Alden Ehrenreich is a good fit for the titular Solo and I really think that Ron Howard nailed the casting of Donald Glover for Lando Calrissian, but most of the other characters, bar Chewbacca, are extremely forgettable at best and pointlessly tacked on at worst. 

    The plot reads okay but the piece lacks identity as it tries so desperately to be a heist film, a story of rebellion, and some semi-virtuous mafioso piece…

  • Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith

    Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith


    Hello there. Yes we all dunk on Revenge of the Sith for the amount of memes it has, but it’s also one of the better Star Wars films we’ve had since the original trilogy and the film manages to get though so much content in 2 hours while never moving too quickly in terms of pace. 

    The end dual between Obi-Wan and Anakin is the best of the series and holds up as a fantastic piece of choreography in the…

Popular reviews

  • This Is England

    This Is England


    The catalyst to start one of the greatest TV series of all time, This Is England is as iconic as it is important, representing British culture, values, history, and heritage in all of its ugly glory in a scathing light that pulls no punches. 

    As realistic as it is dramatic, as harrowing as it is funny, and as unfortunately relevant today as it was at the time of both its release and setting, This Is England, film and series, is…

  • Whiplash



    I would argue that Whiplash has the greatest ending of any film I’ve ever seen, and I know for a fact I could write a dissertation about it; rather than me telling you how the ending is a subverted tragedy, or that there is a stylistic irony in muting the sound on the greatest drum solo of Miles Teller’s character’s career because jazz is about the notes you don’t play, I’d simply ask that you watch what has become the greatest de facto psychological thriller of a generation and try to keep your jaw from dropping in the finale.
