Andrey Spirihin

Andrey Spirihin Patron

Favorite films

  • Blade Runner
  • Mirror
  • The Third Man
  • Decision to Leave

Recent activity

  • Hundreds of Beavers


  • Dressed to Kill


  • Doctor Sleep


  • Caddyshack


Recent reviews

  • Hundreds of Beavers

    Hundreds of Beavers


    in contention for the greatest gameplay loop film ever?
    kill monsters -> sell loot -> get better gear -> kill bigger monsters

  • Dressed to Kill

    Dressed to Kill


    between everyone is a pervert (funny) Verhoeven and everyone is a pervert (scary) De Palma - what a time it was.

Popular reviews

  • Beware of the Car!

    Beware of the Car!


    the ratio of screen time Papanov gets to the number of his quotes everyone knows is incredible.

  • Deus



    if you like me thought that "a mysterious black sphere is discovered in the orbit of Mars and a spaceship is sent to investigate" is a bulletproof concept, oh brother let me tell ya.

    by this point I should know better, but I'm still going into every garbage sci-fi movie there is with an open heart.
    this one borrows extensively from Sunshines and Event Horizons of the world, and the borrowed parts are the only decent ones.