prepare to be underwhelmed - basic af at heart
(recent favs)
Quite an awful film that only shines when its badness falls into the laughable category. From shoddy CGI, to eye-roll worthy dialogue, to the Aldi version Mad Max moments: In the Lost Lands really has it all.
Probably would have rated lower watching at home but with a big crowd the laughs were hitting and it was a fun time. Some really gruesome kills in this that had me lmao-ing but there isn't much substance to the story. Then again, is that really why you'd go watch a movie like this?
Mystery March Challenge - Week 2
I have tried to watch this once before and I gave up on it within the first ten minutes, probably because I hated the band that Jared Leto was in, I can't even remember what they're called now. If it wasn't for participating in this film challenge I would never have tried to watch it again.
I'm so glad I did.
Ellen Burstyn's performance is one of the greatest I've ever seen in a…