Owen ◡̈

Owen ◡̈ Patron

Favorite films

  • 2001: A Space Odyssey
  • Perfect Blue
  • Bottle Rocket
  • Before Sunrise

Recent activity

  • Bo Burnham: What.

  • Sing Sing

  • The Cameraman


  • The Passion of Joan of Arc


Pinned reviews

  • La La Land

    La La Land


    I once heard that when two people are in love, they can never fully achieve their dreams—at some point, one of them must sacrifice theirs.

    Why would that be true? Why couldn't two people achieve their career goals while maintaining a loving and successful relationship? Then I start to think of all the major parental relationships in my life. While not as black and white as "one achieved their dreams and the other didn't", I do think that true love…

  • 2001: A Space Odyssey

    2001: A Space Odyssey


    it’s christmas eve, 2019. i’m back home from Montreal for about a week for Christmas Holidays. My parents as a Christmas treat bought tickets for my sister and I to see 2001 in theatres at Tiff. 

    It’s an early evening showing, about 6:30pm. it was still dark, cold, and slushy in Toronto. We get into our seats and the movie “begins”. It starts with 5 minutes of black screen and near silence. My sister being slightly agitated by this opening…

Recent reviews

  • The Cameraman

    The Cameraman


    Keatons best attempt so far at a full fledged romance. 20s stunt comedy tend to use female leads as more of a motive and less of a core character. 

    marceline day is great here. the shots of buster filming during the gang war and the pool scenes were so creative and are alone worth the watch.

    unfortunately the jokes just didn’t seem to land, so it’s hard to hold up with some of Keatons other work.

  • Buffalo '66

    Buffalo '66


    when you’re both high key crazy as fuck

    water bf meets hot chocolate gf

    crashing out at a denny’s is ludicrous behaviour

Popular reviews

  • Before Midnight

    Before Midnight


    Lily pointed out something that completely changed my perspective on this entire movie.

    Celine talks about how she is happy that her girls are fighting because it’s a sign of them being able to stand up for themselves and what they want. She sees arguing as this positive action because by the end you eventually reach some conclusion/action. Jesse appears to be constantly defusing the situation and avoiding direct conflict to try and keep Celine calm. While this does seem…