Francisco Vásquez Neira

Francisco Vásquez Neira

Favorite films

  • Seven Samurai
  • Perfect Days
  • Paterson
  • Fight Club

Recent activity

  • Hercules and the Captive Women


  • The Electric State

  • Death Hunt


  • Assault on Precinct 13


Recent reviews

  • Assault on Precinct 13

    Assault on Precinct 13


    "In my situation, days are like women - each one's so damn precious, but they all end up leaving you."

  • Night Is Short, Walk On Girl

    Night Is Short, Walk On Girl


    "Even as you profess your isolation, you're still bound to others in the end. Everyone is connected to the threads of fate you weave, whether they like it or not. You're absolutely not alone!"

Popular reviews

  • The Last of the Sea Women

    The Last of the Sea Women


    "Now that my life is finally good, my body is starting to break down. While my wallet is thick, my flesh is thin. That's the irony of life."

  • Subservience



    "I don't get tired. I'm strong, obedient, I have no desires outside of fulfilling yours."

    We created machines to satisfy our most shameful passions. In that relationship, pride, greed, lust, wrath, gluttony, envy, and sloth surface in our personality. That is the true perversion of machines: not their rebellion, but their ability to reflect us.

    Creamos las máquinas para saciar nuestras pasiones más vergonzosas. En esa relación, afloran la soberbia, avaricia, lujuria, ira, gula, envidia y pereza en nuestra personalidad. Esa es la auténtica perversión de las máquinas: no su rebelión, sino su capacidad de reflejarnos.