

Cinematographer, Photographer, All around Movie Lover

Favorite films

  • Fight Club
  • Into the Wild
  • Ink
  • Gangs of New York

Recent activity

  • Darkest Hour


  • The Patriot


  • 1917


  • Need for Speed


Recent reviews

  • Darkest Hour

    Darkest Hour


    A Movie A Day 2020: Day 3

    Churchill died before I was born, but was reborn with this rendition by Gary Oldman.

    Rewatching this gem I realize just how much Gary Oldman deserved the Oscar he won for Best Actor. All I can say on that matter was about time he won an oscar.

    If you haven't seen this film go watch it!

  • The Patriot

    The Patriot


    A Movie a Day 2020: Day 2
    Basic thought of the film:
    It's twenty years old but still out performs a lot of history/war movies that have come out since.

    This is one of those guilty pleasure movies I can enjoy over and over. In the league of Movies like Gladiator and Gangs of New York.

Popular reviews

  • InAPPropriate Comedy

    InAPPropriate Comedy

    A Movie a Day: Day 58
    Basic thought of the film:

    was quiet terrible actually, could get a grasp on the films humor and just another one of those quick "quirky" films, not for me

  • 30 Days of Night: Dark Days

    30 Days of Night: Dark Days

    A Movie a Day: Day 23
    Basic thought of the film:

    I hadn't even realized they made a second film, i saw the first one right after i turned 17. it was the first R rated movie i saw in move theaters when i was "of age" and i loved it.

    So naturally when i learn of a second one, i was pumped and wondered how it had gotten past me for that long.

    I watched it and then understood…
