Richard Gaywood

Richard Gaywood

Favorite films

  • Blade Runner
  • Ghostbusters
  • Grosse Pointe Blank
  • Highlander

Recent activity

  • When Harry Met Sally...


  • Tenet


  • Hearts Beat Loud


  • Ford v Ferrari


Recent reviews

  • When Harry Met Sally...

    When Harry Met Sally...


    Surely the greatest rom-com of all time.

  • Tenet



    Well, I liked it plenty. Didn’t think it was too baffling either — Memento was worse.

Popular reviews

  • Mad Max: Fury Road

    Mad Max: Fury Road


    Mad Max Fury Road is an unhinged banshee with an Australian accent howling in the key of a redlined turbo charged V12.

    I loved it.

  • Die Hard 2

    Die Hard 2


    Die Hard movies break down into two subtypes: The Good Ones (1, 2, ...With A Vengeance) and The Rest. I won't discuss the latter here. Die Hard 2, then: by a comfortable margin the worst of the good ones.

    It's clearly been written and directed to up the ante on the first one: more elaborate firefights, more explosions, more skin-of-McClane's-teeth escapes. But in the rush to turn all the dials up to 11, we start to lose the main quality…