Rotten Sack

Rotten Sack

~your average cinema enjoyer~

Favorite films

  • National Lampoon's Vacation
  • Airplane!

Recent activity

  • Before Midnight


  • Before Sunset


  • Before Sunrise


  • Beautiful Boy


Recent reviews

  • Before Midnight

    Before Midnight


    Both Celine and Jesse are insufferable in this—and it’s depressing whereas the two movies before it were lovely—but at least it’s honest.

    Kudos to the writers for not being starry eyed about a relationship founded on selfishness and also for bringing into focus all their loathsome traits.

  • Before Sunset

    Before Sunset


    I must be missing something. Everyone thinks this one is better than the first?

Popular reviews

  • Jurassic Park

    Jurassic Park


    Rented out the theatre room and watched this one with the wife and a couple pizzas—Hawaiian papa johns. Was feeling exceedingly merry, so I also ordered soft garlic bites. 

    As for the film, it was good. I jumped once or twice and spilled signature papa johns garlic butter all over my legs and crotch and the floor. But it’s okay because I later mopped it up with my third beer, which I spilled over everything. 

    I’m moving out tomorrow. Hopefully I receive my damage deposit back before the theatre room begins to reek of beer.

  • Before Sunrise

    Before Sunrise


    I remember reading a quote once by Denis Villeneuve where he said that dialogue is his least favourite part of a movie—that if he could make a movie without dialogue, he would do it. 

    Denis, I must confess I like dialogue quite a lot. :(