“Serenity is no longer wishing you had a different past.”
“You hurt yourself, you hurt me.”
“Serenity is no longer wishing you had a different past.”
“You hurt yourself, you hurt me.”
“I thought it but i don't say it.”
“I will be dying and so will you, and so will everyone here. That's what I want to explore. We're all hurtling towards death, yet here we are for the moment, alive. Each of us knowing we're going to die, each of us secretly believing we won't.”
Na een veelbelovende eerste acte verdwijnt de creativiteit en vooral de subtiliteit. De toon van de film wordt onduidelijk en het wordt een oppervlakkig politiek pamflet. Dialogen veranderen in generaliserende statements. Het acteren van Ryan Gosling en Will Ferrell is tenenkrommend. Wat een gemiste kans.
“It's funny how the colors of the real world only seem really real when you viddy them on the screen.”