If you ride like lighting, you’re gonna crash like thunder
Twitter: @gracefulsteppa
Won’t give this a star rating because I saw Ramell’s photo work that coincides with this first and don’t feel right giving it a star rating. BUT I will share my opinion.
This is a documentary of the passage of time in a place and a few subjects. The thing about how time passes, there’s a lot of mundane moments that bridge together life changing events we go through. This feels more focused on the in between, never really letting…
Gut reaction would be to say this is Mann at his most out of element due to the time period, but I dare say it’s the style of conflict here that feels a bit out of sync. The wide shots of battle were so painterly, favorite part of the movie. The one on one action… not so much. Felt so clunky and over edited. Love interest didn’t do much for me either. I would have liked to see Mann try…
Sometimes you watch a bad movie with someone you care about cuz they picked it out and that’s what Christmas is all about
15 minutes in the girl I was watching this with asked me if I knew Hitlers zodiac sign and I couldn’t see straight from that point on