Travis Daniel

Travis Daniel Patron

I want to watch every movie ever made and own a copy of every movie I enjoy

Favorite films

  • Repo Man
  • Graveyard of Honor
  • Tokyo Fist
  • Black Coal, Thin Ice

Recent activity

  • Manodrome


  • Tough Guys Don't Dance


  • The Rental

  • Ocean's Eight

Pinned reviews

  • Angst



    They just don't make romcoms like this anymore

  • Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom

    Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom

    Whitehouse correspondents dinner after party

Recent reviews

  • Manodrome



    MGTOW cinema about no-fap incels who's favorite movie is Fight Club. Very funny concept. Mostly liked it. Great performances. Entertaining. Shocking. Good time at the movies.

  • Tough Guys Don't Dance

    Tough Guys Don't Dance


    Simply put this is filmmaking from another world. Inhuman and unforgettable.

Popular reviews

  • Moonrise Kingdom

    Moonrise Kingdom


    This is has extremely bad vibes. It's like Wes Anderson is using people to play out stories like a child would with dolls, all the characters are Wes, the camera is Wes, the colors are Wes. It's all so calculated, claustrophobic even, almost robotic it's fucking insane I feel like I'm going to have a goddamn panic attack. This isn't a real movie. Wes Anderson is a crazy person. Auteurism has gone too far. Children shouldn't act. Roman Coppola shouldn't write. Don't make children grope each other. Use a color besides yellow. Stop taking the good actors. Catch fire, pig fuck.

  • The Shrouds

    The Shrouds

    "They bury the dead so quickly. They should leave them lying around for months"

    -Holly Hunter as Helen Remington, Crash(1996) Dir. David Cronenberg