this movie makes me so happy :)
Roger Ebert’s glowing review:
this movie makes me so happy :)
Roger Ebert’s glowing review:
a captivating and meticulous homemade document of spontaneous mass uprising in Chile, state response and co-opting, and the inevitable backsliding that comes from anger-fueled fires running out of oxygen.
I have serious qualms with anarchism, which works best between peers (I loved the discussion of the development of neighborhood councils eventually co-opted by constitutional change advocacy) and is deeply reactionary when confronted with opposing forms of institutional power. I see little nobility or righteousness in street war agitation when unaccompanied…
Justice demands retribution. Healing demands reconciliation. But healing can’t happen so long as injustice persists.
Buster Keaton is a darling little clown
seen synced with music from R.E.M.’s Green, Monster, New Adventures in Hi-Fi