Invasion of the Poddy Casters

Invasion of the Poddy Casters

Favorite films

  • Paris Is Burning
  • The Sisters Brothers
  • Wadjda
  • Wild Tales

Recent activity

  • Mogul Mowgli


  • Phantasm


  • Family Romance, LLC


  • Howl's Moving Castle


Recent reviews

  • Mogul Mowgli

    Mogul Mowgli


    "I've heard a few people comparing this to Sound of Metal, which is another film coming out soon about Riz Ahmed playing a musician that has to re-evaluate his career after becoming ill (so that's a very specific sub-genre there). I think that Mogul Mowgli is excellent; I think it's excellent in its own right. It's a fairly ambitious look at the role of Islam in the lives of second-generation Pakistani immigrants and how that balances with the hopes and dreams of its musical main character."

    Listen to our full review of Mogul Mowgli in Episode 24 of Invasion of the Poddy Casters: SAINT GRAEME

  • Phantasm



    "Phantasm is probably up there with Hellraiser for being the franchise with the weirdest horror lore for me, so if you're into anything like that, or The Evil Dead, or A Nightmare on Elm Street, or Mandy (I don't think Mandy would've been made without Phantasm paving the way for some of the more hallucinogenic sequences): you'll find a lot to love if you like any of those things."

    Listen to our full review of the Phantasm franchise in Episode 12 of Invasion of the Poddy Casters: WAKANDA FOREVER

Popular reviews

  • Howl's Moving Castle

    Howl's Moving Castle


    "What's good about this is that the young female character is turned into an old woman early on in the film. [...] It presents an elderly person in a very pleasant way, because sometimes you might think, "Oh, they're old, they're just a footnote in the film", but this is saying that this young girl who has been transformed into an old woman becomes more wise as a result, which I think is a good presentation of what it means…

  • Blood Machines

    Blood Machines


    "I think what we have here is a very interesting experiment in both visuals and in distribution. I've known certain TV shows be edited down into feature films, [...] but I've never known a short movie be broken down into smaller pieces to make it more digestible!"

    Listen to our full review in Episode 1 of Invasion of the Poddy Casters: SOME SORT OF...HYBRID