

Favorite films

  • Brief Encounter
  • Once
  • Redline
  • Black Dynamite

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  • See How They Run


  • Top Hat


  • The French Dispatch


  • Inland Empire

Recent reviews

  • See How They Run

    See How They Run


    It’s just not as clever as it likes to think it is. And considering how it seems to go from teasing Agatha Christie to just mocking her, frankly it can sack off. Imagine if Paul WS Anderson threw potshots at Kubrick when making Event Horizen: that’s what this feels like.
    Also; the self aware meta stuff went too far and rendered ‘the final confrontation’ as a bit of an eye-roller.

    HBomberGuy once did an epic video on Sherlock, and points…

  • Top Hat

    Top Hat


    God Damn, Fred Astaire you ADHD monkey man: learn to respect some god given boundaries!

    Dragged down by very dated dating outlooks, Top Hart otherwise a fun, classic Hollywood romp. Astaire and Rogers' chemistry and skillset shine through, and the sets and costumes stand out (although they may stand out as they were particularly well shot, edited and directed that way). I particularly had fun with the goofy side characters, from the weird butler, to the Italian who likes swords…

Popular reviews

  • Boyz n the Hood

    Boyz n the Hood


    Watched to see if it was in all those 'films to see before you die' books for a good reason, or just because it was still big at the time of publication:

    Yeh, it deserved to be in all those books. It wraps a lot of social commentary into a solid, interesting story smoothly for the most part, and draws insanely good performances from its cast.

    Downsides: One predictable plot point, but that's likely because everyone has ripped it off…

  • Zootopia



    This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.