3 stars - I like it
2.5 stars - it’s okay
All the stars are for Ryuichi Sakamoto and his music (and they’d deserve 5/5). I much preferred just keeping my eyes closed and listening to him than keeping them open and also watching, which is a shame because this could’ve been an excellent watch too. A single static shot of him playing would’ve been better than shots we got.
Not the rewatch experience I expected. The movie flew by a second time around yet this time I also found myself uninterested in too many scenes — especially those involving Ernest and others (De Niro and Gladstone can only save so much). I gained almost no new insights or anything, which is probably my fault, but it did make appreciate KOTFM less on this viewing. It’s still a thoroughly well-made movie with some brilliant moments (everything to do with the…
A movie that cost this much has no business looking THIS bad. I don’t expect perfection, but the awful green screen editing, cgi and lighting took me out of this movie in almost EVERY SCENE. This could be the only movie that has the potential to look better on a laptop than a big screen. I still love this series though.