A Roger Deakins Stan

A Roger Deakins Stan Patron

Favorite films

  • Casablanca
  • Rear Window
  • Heat
  • Hero

Recent activity

  • Sing Sing


  • The Apprentice


  • Oblivion


  • American History X


Recent reviews

  • Sing Sing

    Sing Sing


    Very late to watch this, heartwarming, tender, loveable and vulnerable. “As himself” was such a beautiful touch.

    Would have loved a *little* longer with these characters, just an extra 10-15 minutes of edgier context to their lives would have propelled this to something truly remarkable.

    This said, 2 million budget? Core cast and crew all paid the same rate? Wow, worthy of every accolade that’s come its way.

  • The Apprentice

    The Apprentice


    Stellar acting, seamlessly and stylishly shot, utterly disgusting, utterly depressing. Just so frustrating a film like this doesn’t move the needle on Trump opinions in the slightest, but that’s cult politics for you.

Popular reviews

  • One Day

    One Day

    I have more chemistry with a brick wall

  • Fallen Angels

    Fallen Angels


    dont know what everyone else was watching, this is absolutely shit. a 98 minute attack against the notion of a 'plot', Fallen Angels entails an incomprehensible litany of bullshit scenes and monologues with unidentifiable characters either smoking, acting like a crackhead or acting violently/sexually. im entirely convinced this is a social experiment where viewers pretend one of the worst films of all time is one of the best. i wont be a part of it. the world of film really proves itself time and time again to be one of the most out of touch and pretentious communities around.
