

Fastest kid in 5th grade
Aspiring intellectual

Favorite films

  • Aftersun
  • Schindler's List
  • Whisper of the Heart
  • Good Will Hunting

Recent activity

  • Blue Giant


  • Casablanca


  • A Hidden Life


  • Booksmart


Recent reviews

  • Blue Giant

    Blue Giant


    “In my youth, my friends and I called a great jazz musician… A Blue Giant. A star in space that burns so hot that it goes from red to blue.”

    Antithesis to Whiplash’s portrayal of an obsessed artist; Blue Giant captures a similar obsession unbound by the perfectionist lens, displaying jazz in its true nature as a raw art form: full of its vibrancy and hue. 

    Blue Giant speaks to the heart of every artist, in our meticulousness and passion for…

  • Casablanca



    “Here’s looking at you kid.”

    My first impressions of Casablanca were initially skeptical. With the early portion of the film being difficult to follow; part in fact due to the rapidly spoken dialogue and generational gap—for which I do not hold the film at fault. However it made watching it a nightmare to decipher, as I had to rewind the film constantly to fully grasp the weight of every interaction. Despite this, I do not regret my experience whatsoever. Understanding now,…

Popular reviews

  • Neon Genesis Evangelion

    Neon Genesis Evangelion


    I must say, Evangelion truly threw me in for a loop in a good way. 

    Watching it I was so focused on the plot and the lore, forming hecka theories along the way, that I lost sight of what the show was really trying to convey. It’s themes; acting as an undertone beneath the plot. But as I neared closer to the end of the series, the message of the show became clear. A journey of emotional growth and underlying…

  • Catch Me If You Can

    Catch Me If You Can


    This dude Di CAPrio CAPPIN out of his mind.