tall child and phd candidate.
favourites are flicks i can't get out of my head.
IG: @progreston
mounting a lukewarm defense of this if only for joker riffing as a southern attorney and performing a daniel johnston cover
enjoyed this a lot more than expected but ultimately this never transcends its somewhat vacuous source material (a difficult but not impossible task) and can never reclaim or repurpose the space left behind by grandeur of seeing a live production. undeniably never going to surpass this as the definitive interpretation of defying gravity
it's pretty cool living in a country where this film is a form of nationalism
I think maybe two small quippy moments got an exhale or two out of my nose, otherwise this one confirms that Kaurismaki just isn't my taste. I don't find his detached and dour perspective particularly endearing, and I'm rarely convinced of any of the more tender moments here. It's undeniably a moot point, but I need some more life in his characters to identify with any sense of longing (or in the end, triumph) that's proclaimed. The images are typically…