Tall Girl

Tall Girl

Favorite films

  • Tall Girl
  • Tall Girl
  • Tall Girl 2
  • Tall Girl 2

Recent activity

  • Don't Look Up


  • G.B.F.


  • Tall Girl 2


  • After We Fell


Recent reviews

  • Don't Look Up

    Don't Look Up


    The writing for this move is pretty solid and I think the flow of the movie is very good for the most part. It had many aspects that I enjoyed such as the people who initially try to bring the issue to light then end up in the scheme because of some moral issues, and the uselessness of how the current culture can be in America towards issues that could happen or are happening. However thematically overall I think the…

  • G.B.F.



    Whoever wrote the script for this movie deserves a Nobel prize. They packed so many quotable lines into such a short span that I couldn't keep up. Here are a few of my favorite:

    "He obvi died of HIV dumbass" (HIV pronounced like him)

    "Are you calling me stupid? Are you calling me stupid and gay?"

    "Were you looking at my... balls!?"

    "Judas went to gay prom"

    "Thank you for helping me make this a gay-less prom"

Popular reviews

  • After We Fell

    After We Fell


    I can't wait until we get the 30th movie of this series and Harden and Tessa have had their fifteenth divorce and third abortion.

  • Remember Me

    Remember Me

    He got 9/11'd.
