

i very rarely log the movies i watch. just assume i’ve watched a respectable number of films. that number is not shown on my profile.

Favorite films

  • Blade Runner
  • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
  • Punch-Drunk Love
  • Star Wars

Recent activity

  • Saw 3D

  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem


  • Oppenheimer


  • Black Dynamite


Recent reviews

  • Saw 3D

    Saw 3D

    holy shitstain

  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem

    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem


    this movie was fun as hell and not enough people saw it.

    story-wise, this is x-men 1 with a tmnt filter over it (not that that’s a bad thing at all) but with a more optimistic ending, which is fitting seeing as its more of a for-kids movie. overall, i think they do the tmnt very well though. animation is cool as hell, and the fight scenes are pretty great!

    characters are SUPER fun, but no shredder (until a post-credits…

Popular reviews

  • 9/11 Simulation in Roblox Environment

    9/11 Simulation in Roblox Environment


    This was beautiful. Don’t allow yourself to be told otherwise by anybody. They simply haven’t reached a point in their life where they can understand this. As a father of 6 and a grandfather of 18 (going on 20, god bless!!), I can appreciate this for what it is. Art. In such a minimal fashion, it depicts true tragedy, true sorrow. If you can’t recognize that, then I don’t think you’ve seen true sorrow. True tragedy is shooting your best…

  • Stray



    UahUqhHhaha sTraIght PeOpLe ArE oPpResSed, ThIs iS The FuTurE!! WaKe uP AmMerica, OpEn YoUr 15Th Eye!!!!1!!1!
