kate darling

kate darling

so get this: she’s hot but she’s disabled so most of the time she’s just sittin’ at home watchin’ movies

katie | she/her

Favorite films

  • Alien
  • Little Shop of Horrors
  • Jurassic Park
  • The Thing

Recent activity

  • Sorry to Bother You


  • The Pod Generation


  • Pride & Prejudice


  • Losing Ground


Recent reviews

  • Sorry to Bother You

    Sorry to Bother You


    this is by far one of the most visually interesting films i’ve ever seen?! playful editing, vivid colors, deft world building, and some pretty cool ******** ****** (that last part’s a secret).

    went in blind and idk i think that’s the way to go on this one. it’s a sci-fi/fantasy comedy, that’s all you need to know going in.

  • The Pod Generation

    The Pod Generation


    this did not go in the direction i thought it would and i ended up really enjoying it! my takeaways: 1) this was one of chiwetel ejiofor’s sexiest roles and 2) the only future in which advanced technology and a healthy natural world can successfully coexist is one where we Never Lose Respect for the latter.

Popular reviews

  • Anomalisa


    u remember that meme about how adult fiction tends to go a lil like "sigh i am bored perhaps i will cheat on my spouse"? this movie is the film embodiment of that but somehow worse.

  • The Batman

    The Batman


    a good superhero movie but a nearly perfect film. i don’t get this wrapped up in new(ish) releases very often but this one grabbed my attention within the first ten minutes and held it for the entire runtime.

    it was black and white and modern noir all over and i fucking loved it. very eager to see the next installment in what feels like the best interpretation of a batman yet.