"There's going to be alot of times in your life when you are going to like things that other people don't like"
This being essentially 3 movies in one didn't always work as well as I feel it could have, but when its good it's good!
"There's going to be alot of times in your life when you are going to like things that other people don't like"
This being essentially 3 movies in one didn't always work as well as I feel it could have, but when its good it's good!
"Don't ask for the moon, we have the stars"
80% of this movies is Bob Dylan playing a song and everybody stopping what they're doing and going "oh dang he pretty good"
10% is people getting mad at the stubborn, socially averse, recluse for being reclusive and stubborn and kinda averse to being social
The remaining 11% is sexy Johnny Cash doing sexy Johnyy Cash stuff😍