Nabila Radintya

Nabila Radintya

that sip of pinot grigio somewhere in northern Italy

Favorite films

  • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
  • Dead Poets Society
  • Midnight in Paris
  • Jojo Rabbit

Recent activity

  • The Danish Girl


  • The Lobster


  • Jojo Rabbit


  • Her


Recent reviews

  • The Danish Girl

    The Danish Girl


    an incredibly beautiful story of movie that basically torn my heart out and left me in awe. you know those kinds of movies that just by watching it you could feel all the agonizing aching feeling throughout it all? this is one of it. going into this movie i don't really know what to expect as i didn't know what the movie was about but boy oh boy was i in for a treat!

    Hooper, Redmayne, and Vikander really delivered…

  • The Lobster

    The Lobster


    This one is just so full of absurdity and complexity that it requires the audience to just let their mind wander to then accept and portray the bizarre abstractness of this movie. There are no words to describe this movie rather than it is a crossword puzzle with the impossibly complex uninterpretable hidden meaning behind it. One could say this and the other could say that, and none is in the wrong. At times, it could be extra disturbing and…

Popular reviews

  • Saving Private Ryan

    Saving Private Ryan


    not one who actually likes war movies but this one‘s an exception. just. ballistic.

  • The Lost Valentine

    The Lost Valentine


    10/10 a good one for a cry out PLUS i’m always such a sucker for army spouses sappy love stories
