35mm @ The Egyptian
“There’s not a word yet
For old friends who’ve just met
Part Heaven, part Space
Or have I found my place?”
I’m going to go back there some day. My heart forever belongs to this movie. The Muppets are as real as any actor.
35mm @ The Egyptian
“There’s not a word yet
For old friends who’ve just met
Part Heaven, part Space
Or have I found my place?”
I’m going to go back there some day. My heart forever belongs to this movie. The Muppets are as real as any actor.
Joe had the fucking set up and he ruined it all. anyways I love LA like Randy Newman
Villeneuve did the fremen so dirty. But he gave a little speech before the American Cinematheque screening and he was a real cutie patootie so I’ll forgive him
Don’t let the film bros fool you, 70mm is not that much better and the poor projectionist skipped like a minute of the movie