

Gerceklik algım yok

Favorite films

  • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
  • Split
  • Forrest Gump
  • Blade Runner 2049

Recent activity

  • Blade Runner 2049


  • The Guilty


  • Prisoners


  • In Time


Recent reviews

  • Blade Runner 2049

    Blade Runner 2049


    It was a magnificent movie honestly, it made me fearful about the future. The atmosphere was so strange there were lights, but no colors there were people, but no souls. The ending was truly unusual and a complete plot twist. However, there was something in the movie that disturbed and annoyed me. Women were portrayed solely for their fertility and sexuality For example why were the cloned "angels" only women? That was unsettling.

    Also Ryan Gosling is incredibly handsome

  • The Guilty

    The Guilty


    Filmin konusu veya işleyişinden bagımsız tek mekanda çekilmiş bir filmin bu kadar heyecan uyandırması ve sürüklemesi müthiş. Duygu aktarımı ve oyunculugu ile gercekten harika bir iş cıkarmıs çağlar ertuğrul helal olsun

  • Prisoners



    cok iyi bir ters köse film. Çaglar Ertuğrul da harika oynamıs

  • Men in Black

    Men in Black


    Bir piyoncuk'a ihtiyacım var (Ve bir de chirs hemstworth'e).
