Very re watchable, just as charming the second time.
Might watch the OG again soon
Can't type, too traumatized
On the verge of tears with a lump in my throat from 10 minutes in, until the very end, well done, kup kun kah.
All shall be well until the scary reality sets in that acceptance really is only skin deep
Of course, beautifully shot in a breath taking location but I'm not sure if it's the film festival fatigue kicking or not but I found this film to be offensively drawn out and painfully painfully long.
During this film I found my self chanting in my inner dialogue over and over.. END, JUST FUCKING END FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS HOLY, ENNNNDDDD!!
But it wasnt all bad, I really liked Tashi, Tashi was a good guy, but who was…