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  • Ghostbusters
  • Die Hard
  • Welcome to the Dollhouse
  • The Shining

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  • Heavy Metal Parking Lot


  • Tank Girl


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Recent reviews

  • Heavy Metal Parking Lot

    Heavy Metal Parking Lot


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  • Tank Girl

    Tank Girl


    Getting through this was torture, mainly because I just could not stand the Tank Girl character. Her delivery was much like Madonna in Who's That Girl (which I'm sure came from something else first that would annoy me) and would later be similar to Harley Quinn, which is also mostly grating to me. I just don't appreciate a constantly wisecracking character (I probably whined about this in a Deadpool review), and especially not one where the jokes aren't very wise,…

Popular reviews

  • Vice Versa: Chyna

    Vice Versa: Chyna

    I have no idea how to rate this.

    EVERYONE failed Joanie Laurer.


  • Corduroy



    Kinda creepy. A different score could easily make this a horror film.