

Movie fan, movie collector, general film geek. Hear Me Roar..... There's no such thing as having too many films...it is a myth.

Favorite films

  • Jaws
  • The Thing
  • Halloween
  • The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2

Recent activity

  • Star Trek: Nemesis


  • Opus


  • It's Alive


  • Best Defense

Recent reviews

  • Star Trek: Nemesis

    Star Trek: Nemesis


    Jim from Neighbours is a talking point in a movie, is not a great start.

  • Opus



    A24 once again proving that not all that glitters is gold. A bit of a Meh production that sparkles, then doesn't and ends up being Ho Hum.

Popular reviews

  • Fast Times at Ridgemont High

    Fast Times at Ridgemont High


    My initial viewing of this movie way back in the mists of the halcyon days of video shop rental was not filled with much enthusiasm... finding it rather overrated. Thirty Eight Years into the future and older me found so much enjoyment from it.
    With a whole American Graffiti, The Wanderers, Porky's vibe running through the whole proceedings. It turned into a well made and fun look into school life and had a plethora of interesting performances. Sean Penn turned…

  • Beyond the Black Rainbow

    Beyond the Black Rainbow


    Imagine having an epileptic seizure for two hours, whilst someone throws different coloured paint into your eyes while systematically bombarding you with ambient noise and Rorschach ink blot test cards. That gives you a rough idea of the first hour. The second hour makes everything that came before it almost linear.
    Pretentious nonsensical art installation put onto celluloid.