Luke Harris

Luke Harris Patron

Fan of all kinds of cinema. Especially genre and #horror films! Obsessed with The Shining and other Stephen King adaptions.

Favorite films

  • The Shining
  • Die Hard
  • The Wicker Man
  • Oldboy

Recent activity

  • From Beyond


  • Snow White


  • Alligator


  • Paddington


Recent reviews

  • From Beyond

    From Beyond


    Just a whole lot of fun!

  • Snow White

    Snow White


    Gal Gadot was so terrible. To the point where, at the end, she had an accent. A hitherto non-existent accent. Like she realised in the final scene that the thing missing from her performance was sounding vaguely foreign in a slightly threatening way.

    The highlight was definitely Zegler. Despite the off-screen nonsense, she fit the bill quite nicely as Snow White. 

    I cringed through about two thirds of it. My five year old daughter, however, LOVED it. Flouncy dresses and…

Popular reviews

  • My Fairy Troublemaker

    My Fairy Troublemaker

    Why do I do this to myself?

  • Rope



    Definitely a different experience watching this after reading Crime and Punishment. Hitchcock explores similar themes of privilege and social superiority in a movie that’s under 90 minutes. Count me in!