
Michael Pro

top 4: 👍🏻👍🏻

Just the occasional ramblings of a self-proclaimed film buff.

Favorite films

  • The Thing
  • When Harry Met Sally...
  • Heat
  • Whiplash

Recent activity

  • Enemy of the State

  • Memories of Murder

  • Presence

  • Parasite

Pinned reviews

  • Nosferatu



  • Swiss Army Man

    Swiss Army Man

    The montage sequence might be my favorite thing to come out of cinema in the past ten years.

Recent reviews

  • Aftersun


    Aftersun-of-a-bitch, what a great movie.

  • Full Metal Jacket

    Full Metal Jacket

    Adding Private Pyle to my arsenal of Vincent D’Onofrio impressions

Popular reviews

  • Jurassic Park

    Jurassic Park


    Film 1/30 of September 2016 Scavenger Hunt
    Task #24: A film reviewed by the Nostalgia Critic.

    Original List

    A beloved film by many and considered a milestone in blockbuster cinema. This is one of the first movies I saw as a kid, albeit a few years after its initial release, and it had a huge affect on me. I mean, what kid didn't love dinosaurs?!

    Watching this film today it still holds up, even without the nostalgia goggles.

  • Alien



    While some view the sequel, Aliens, as the best film in the franchise, I much prefer the original. Nothing beats the horrific atmosphere set by such a classic film. Alien is the movie that made me never want to go to space.