I rent them. I have a lease with an option to buy.
(Favorites are favorites I’ve watched this year)
Mostly beautifully rendered fantasy things in a very loud, very long, very nothing movie. Media fast can’t come soon enough.
Whereas the addition of Azog to the first movie was inspired, giving a necessary villain and a cool chase vibe to what would otherwise be a somewhat aimless wandering, the addition of Turiel to this movie was disastrous. Made it more cumbersome, not more exciting. Pulled you out of the story rather than sucked you further in. Was lame.
But holy crap you can’t tell me that Smaug and Bilbo’s scene together wasn’t amazing. Its own mini-movie within the movie,…
This movie looks like garbage and that is the best thing that can be said about it. Here are some other things that can be said about this discount macguffin superstore of a movie, which my kids did say while watching:
“How is chewie alive”
“How is she a palpatine”
“You said that in the last movie”
“How do they measure with the dagger”
Regarding planet-killing star destroyers: “they got Fortnite mobile”
“How does C3P0 know that”
“Why does Leia have a lightsaber”
“What how is the wayfinder still there”
At the risk of being indelicate: THIS MOVIE SUCKS SO BAD
Advanced screening at a conference.
Formal and structural problems abound (What’s with all the color saturation? How much time is passing? What do we know about Camp and Melissa other than that they exist in the same ordeal?) but the biggest thing is that, for a movie supposedly about grappling with belief, doubt never enters the picture.
The problem with this movie is that everything in it, from Camp’s music career to his relationship with Melissa to her cancer ordeal,…