So freaking awesome as always
Saw it with Eli and the fact we were in a big old pretty much empty house added to its coolness
Anything you say Lloyd, anything you say
So freaking awesome as always
Saw it with Eli and the fact we were in a big old pretty much empty house added to its coolness
Anything you say Lloyd, anything you say
Idk why I liked this so much more than the last time I watched it. I think cuz I rly watched in it like 2 sittings so I got to appreciate it more
Tarantino is prob my fav director, ik it’s basic but he just has so many good fun movies, this just adds to the list
Rly rly enjoyed this
Quite literally one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen. Like actually terrible, monkeys don’t look nearly as good as the other ones. And the plot is shit.
Looked rly cool, and was bad ass.
Why can’t those cloaked women come and fuck me in the middle of the night like they did for feyd, dude is on chemo and still pulled a bad bitch.
Paul made the right decision also, the princess is hotter than zendaya in this movie