
Jared Patron

Favorite films

  • Dog Day Afternoon
  • Rushmore
  • Midsommar
  • Alien

Recent activity

  • What Just Happened


  • Saturday Night


  • Man of the Year


  • Envy


Recent reviews

  • What Just Happened

    What Just Happened


    There’s actually some life here, and De Niro and Willis and everyone seem really invested, but the script is pretty limp and the daggers just aren’t sharp enough. I’m not sure Barry Levinson is capable of being as mean-spirited as he needs to be to make a Hollywood satire like this work.

    Barry Levinson Movies, Ranked

  • Saturday Night

    Saturday Night


    I was a big SNL nerd growing up so I appreciated all the references and getting to see everyone have their moments, and this cast is a lot of fun. A few annoyances here and there, and I did feel a bit stuck between generations watching all these kids who are much younger than me play out the nostalgic memories of people much older than me. But this is an easy, breezy watch that I’m sure I’ll happily revisit at some point.

Popular reviews

  • Ex Machina

    Ex Machina


    “Why is it up to anyone?”

    This is going to become better and smarter and more prophetic and more iconic and more influential and more important as time passes.

    I really like the structure of this movie. Caleb’s sessions with Ava intercut with his increasingly unsettling discussions with Nathan. The tension always ratcheting up, up, up. And the whole thing is sealed in a pleasingly Kubrickian airlessness. I should probably watch Devs.


  • Stutz



    Docvember 2022, movie #7.

    No matter how well-made or well-intentioned, I’m not sure a documentary directed by a celebrity that’s just 90 minutes of black and white footage of them talking to their therapist can be anything other than masturbatory.

    Docvember 2022, Ranked