this was soooo fun!!!! great feel good movie i laughed from beginning to end, pleasantly surprised
this was soooo fun!!!! great feel good movie i laughed from beginning to end, pleasantly surprised
really weird watch, hated that ending
katherine ross so beautiful though
imagine if there was a genesys at a castle g, that would be fucking hard i'd pay anything fi dat
lots of great things here for me but by the time i reached the end i was thoroughly impressed with the idea that by leaving out a few pieces of the puzzle you get a completely different spin on reality. this is a film that highlighted to me the importance of tying in a characters psychology when storytelling if you're looking for true depth. jacob elordi.
absolute fucking tragedy
ok so i first watched this when i was like fkn 16 or something and i think that explains my love for films where the end result is pure and genuine misery.
each character gets their own divergent plot line✅
jennifer connolly being leng✅
jared leto being leng✅
amalgamating social commentary on addiction✅
unnerving, well paced, brilliantly directed, edgy, funny! (jk this shit was not funny at all bitch dis shit depressing)
there was…