Rob Bazaral

Rob Bazaral Pro

Hi I like movies and wanna watch more of them

Favorite films

  • Persona
  • Local Hero
  • The Celebration
  • The Big Lebowski

Recent activity

  • Clerks


  • Fight Club


  • Bridget Jones's Diary


  • Dìdi (弟弟)


Recent reviews

  • Clerks



    smarter than it thinks it is and the acting often kind of sucks, but what an inspirational story and its scrappy underdog charm is what makes it such a fun watch. it's interesting to think about how smith would never have shot it on film if he made it today considering so much of what works about this is those wonderful B&W tones and film grains

    also veronica really is great and dante does not deserve a woman who brings him lasagna at work

  • Fight Club

    Fight Club


    i also like a lot of anarchist ideals until i remember that most people are fucking stupid and that i by proxy am also probably fucking stupid.

    still, would love to show up to my office job with a broken nose after me and some strangers fought each other in a parking lot. im doing a similar thing rn by subjecting myself to intense heat at the sauna as often as possible to quit weed, but i think a punch…

Popular reviews

  • Saltburn



    watched at the BAFTA screening at Princess Anne Theatre

    the emptiest calories you'll ever consume, leans into every stereotype you can imagine in a film like this, be it the million irritating needle drops they do, how everyone is smoking cigarettes, lots of bulimia references and attempts at sexual subversion.

    it is so incredibly hollow, but i was initially inclined to give it mild praise because it is rather gorgeous and well-composed. but its shallowness and insidious attempt at class…

  • Local Hero

    Local Hero


    the feeling of deciding to take your shoes off as you approach water instead of going around, putting your feet in and remembering that you are a human body made up of millions of sensations that we tune out constantly and take for granted. that a small strip of land is filled with enough interesting sights to fill a lifetime enjoyably, if you only stop and look. the unshakeable feeling that america really is the most hollow of cultures, where…