cinema as a mean of self-discovery
my reviews aren't really a critique of films, but instead, are records of my experiences with them.
Sobre o tom geral do filme, a antecipação, a urgência, e os tons de terror, muito bem construidas até a primeira metade do filme, depois se despedaçaram. A sensação empolgante de estar imerso num mundo sombrio com forças macabras subliminares, deu lugar a uma certa indiferença. O filme fica sem fôlego pra manter a tensão (seja sexual ou não) e se torna dolorosamente linear onde tudo vai se encaminhando pra resolução de um problema ja dado, com uma solução ja…
The world was on fire and no one could save me but you
Strange what desire will make foolish people do
Weerasethakul continues to impress with his ability to craft an impressive seamless continuum between the supernatural and the mundane. This carefully crafted tone, is perhaps, his most striking trademark, which works quite well, regardless of the setting of the movie, be it Thailand or Colombia. He managed to create his own authentic kind of magical realism, not only because of the seamless juxtaposition, but also because of the very nature of the supernatural. In his films, the supernatural is not…
It is not the case that Knives Out has just a very clever and well built plot, worthy of being one of the best I have seen among crime investigation films. Instead, what weirdly makes this movie fantastic are the details (both itself and the attention to it), its style of portrayal, and a very healthy and well balanced humor. Elements of which permeates everything in the movie, from the acting to the costume and film set design. The absolutely…