
robmck3898 Pro

Favorite films

  • Grosse Pointe Blank
  • The Empire Strikes Back
  • My Man Godfrey
  • A Night at the Opera

Recent activity

  • Ball of Fire


  • Man in Space


  • Nature's Half Acre


  • A Progress Report/Nature's Half Acre


Recent reviews

  • Ball of Fire

    Ball of Fire


    I immediately feel like this needs a rewatch at some point in the near future. Something just didn't connect me for me and I love screwball comedies and so many people that have similar interests absolutely love Ball of Fire. The script and the cast are absolutely amazing. Stanwyck and Cooper are surrounded by a fantastic group of character actors. Also fun watching Gene Krupa play the drums.

    I think for me, it's just the overall story. I could not…

  • Man in Space

    Man in Space


    Really interesting but also soooo incredibly boring. It really alternates between both. It's 40 minutes and I kept trying to watch it at night, fell asleep twice and finally got it on the 3rd try.

Popular reviews

  • Demetri Martin: Demetri Deconstructed

    Demetri Martin: Demetri Deconstructed


    I've generally been a big fan of Demetri, but this was probably my least favorite comedy special I've seen in a while. Even his drawings gimmick, which I generally find hilarious absolutely fell flat. I think I genuinely laughed one time and maybe a few smiles.

    I think the part that killed the entire special was when he would say a word and it was bleeped, and obviously not a cussword, but then it pops up "to see the word go to demetri's website." Whatever idea they had for an odd comedy special, it just did not work for me.

  • Moana 2

    Moana 2


    Moana 2 was . . fine. I expected a lot worse, but it's just pretty basic fare as far as Disney goes. I thought pretty highly of the first Moana, so the animation and music are definitely downgrades. Are they terrible, nah, but pretty basic.

    My kids say they would rate it 5 stars, but I've seen what they like so hoping they grow into better taste eventually.

    I'd rate Moana 2 as slightly better than average, but not by much.