
robmck3898 Pro

Favorite films

  • Grosse Pointe Blank
  • The Empire Strikes Back
  • My Man Godfrey
  • A Night at the Opera

Recent activity

  • Men in Black


  • The Pre-Opening Report from Disneyland


  • Lady and the Tramp


  • Ball of Fire


Recent reviews

  • Men in Black

    Men in Black


    I've thought about the "Ed, your skin is hanging off your bones" scene for a very long time . . . the year I graduated high school in fact . . .oh god 28 years . . . ok stop existential crisis stop. Anyway that scene just makes me laugh so much, it's early but I sit with anticipation for me, because it is just so damn funny.

    Men in Black is great, it's just absolute comfort for my soul and it did it's job today.

  • The Pre-Opening Report from Disneyland

    The Pre-Opening Report from Disneyland


    The first part of this is all about Disneyland opening in a few days. It's pretty cool to watch from a Disney history perspective and always great to hear Walt.

    The rest is a repeat from the first Disneyland episode and is all about Mickey. Lonesome Ghosts is always pretty solid and the rest is fine, but there were so many cartoons, they probably could've slipped some additional classics in .

Popular reviews

  • Ball of Fire

    Ball of Fire


    I immediately feel like this needs a rewatch at some point in the near future. Something just didn't connect me for me and I love screwball comedies and so many people that have similar interests absolutely love Ball of Fire. The script and the cast are absolutely amazing. Stanwyck and Cooper are surrounded by a fantastic group of character actors. Also fun watching Gene Krupa play the drums.

    I think for me, it's just the overall story. I could not…

  • Demetri Martin: Demetri Deconstructed

    Demetri Martin: Demetri Deconstructed


    I've generally been a big fan of Demetri, but this was probably my least favorite comedy special I've seen in a while. Even his drawings gimmick, which I generally find hilarious absolutely fell flat. I think I genuinely laughed one time and maybe a few smiles.

    I think the part that killed the entire special was when he would say a word and it was bleeped, and obviously not a cussword, but then it pops up "to see the word go to demetri's website." Whatever idea they had for an odd comedy special, it just did not work for me.